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2017-04-21  點擊:[]

Davies sampa

The experience of the public finance and budgeting seminar has been wonderful for all participants especially me .china is a country on the move and in a hurry to develop .we congratulate you for the commitment and foresight. The china model of development has now become a world talking point and , therefore, we with the Chinese people continue service for the benefit of the whole world. I am proud that zambia has a long history of cooperation with china.本期的發展中國家公共财政與政府預算管理研修班對我們所有人尤其對我來說都是一段精彩令人難忘的經曆。中國是一個正在快速發展不斷進步的國家,我想對中國的對發展的專注和前瞻性表達我由衷祝賀。現在中國的發展已經成為了世界的熱點,我們将和中國一起為了全球人民的利益共同一起努力,我為中國和贊比亞有着長久的合作曆史而深感自豪。

Tung Lam Dang

This has been a wonderful voyage of discovery, china was wonderful and exceeded expectation thank you for the care and friendships這次中國之行是一次神奇的發現之旅,給了我超乎預期的印象。感謝來自中國的款待和友誼。

Cosmore Chitsidzo Chirehwa

I’m very grateful to the government of china for affording me this opportunity to visit their country. To me it was a life time experience .I will never forget. I used to understand china differently .now I will preach the good things I learnt about the people of this china During my stay, I felt as if I was in my own country, because the Chinese people are so friendly ,I would like to thank our great coordinators. 我非常感謝中國政府給我提供這次訪問中國的機會,對我來說,這将是一生的回憶。我以前不理解中國,從現在開始,我會向我身邊所有人講述和傳播中國的所見所聞。中國就像我的家一樣,中國人民非常友好,非常感謝這次活動的組織者。

Manga Mory Sylla

on behalf of my government ,I thank very much the government of china for this invitation. I took real advantage of this seminar organized by cufe and the ministry of commerce. I hope that china and Africa will build a good cooperation in the nearest future.代表我們國家,我非常感謝中國政府的這次邀請,謝謝中國商務部和bv伟德软件組織的這次研修班,我衷心的希望中國和非洲能夠建立起長遠的合作關系。

Ali Karam Alla Mursi Ali

I would like to thank all people of china, it is my pleasure to attend this seminar in cufe ,and I’m going to support china and invite their company to invest in sudan.感謝中國人民,非常榮幸可以參加這次由bv伟德软件組辦的研修班,我會一直支持中國,期待更多的中國公司可以到蘇丹來投資。

Sayed Amin Maatouk Mohamed

I’m very happy and very grateful for this seminar, I wish you to come another time to visit my country ,Chinese people are very friendly ,thank you for everything. 我非常高興和感激可以參加這次研修班,希望你們可以來我們國家訪問,中國人民非常友好,再次非常感謝。

Kazi Aijaz Ahmed Mahesar

I am very grateful to the china government and the organizer of this seminar for public finance and government budget. I experienced a lot of Chinese culture and their education. I do hope that such course will continue for the developing countries.我非常感中國商務部和bv伟德软件組織的這次發展中國家公共财政與政府預算管理研修班,我深刻的感受到了中國的文化和發展,我衷心的希望這種對發展中國家的交流活動能夠一直辦下去。

Mwita mgeni

let me express my glorious thanks to the government of china, to conduct this important and fruitful seminar. The seminar will very much help me to transfer economic thinking to my economy ,and I am very grateful for a great welcome I received from china’s people. The experience I learn from this seminar will create more friendship ,even casting brotherhood between my country and china. .感謝中國政府,感謝你們組織了如此重要和富有成果的研修班,感謝人們的熱情款待,我在中國期間學到了很多很多。我國和中國會有兄弟般的關系。

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